Bsevarsity Blog — Data

What Is Data Analytics & Why Does It Matter?

Posted by swapnil waikar on

Data Analytics is a broad term and encompasses tools and techniques required to fiddle with large volume of data. A general misnomer is Data Analytics and Data Analysis are same. But in reality Analysis is a subset of Analytics. With this understanding we can formalize a definition of Data Analytics is as below: It is a process of obtaining valuable information from raw data using tools and techniques that gives business a clear and definitive understanding of what is going on. .. Data Analytics is a continuous process: As mentioned above, in Analytics we use lot of tools to instigate the automation process for collecting raw data....

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What is Blockchain Technology? What is its Future in India?

Posted by Dilkash Shaikh on

A blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that is nearly impossible to hack or change the system. Blockchain is a database of transactions that is copied and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain. Each block collects data or the number of transactions and every time a new data occurs on the blockchain, a fresh block is made. Once the block is filled with information, it is chained into the previous block, hence it makes a data chain in chronological order. Different types of data can be stored in the blocks, but...

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How will Data Analytics Redefine Finance Industry?

Posted by Saurabh Chaurasia on

Data is a fact of life in today's competitive financial marketplace. Financial institutions are exploring new methods to integrate data analytics into their ecosystem. Look at how data analytics will transform the finance industry in the near future.

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How to Manage Financial Data using Python?

Posted by Saurabh Chaurasia on

Click below to know how to manage financial data using python

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